Are you considering a mobile retail app? ‘Cause now seems just the proper time to consider it. The mobile device penetration is rising steadily; the population all over the world is increasingly connected. The growth of the mobile industry is mostly due to young people. As this demographic gets older and [...]
Alas, the age of technology is here! While we sleep, walk and talk, worry, stalk or simply just pet our Labrador Retrievers while thinking about the wonders of interstellar travel, the tech era’s glorious trumpets blow upon our very lives. Alarm clocks, distance monitors, IP trackers, profile following and allegedly innocent [...]
As I was browsing on the official Samsung Facebook page these days, I ran over their how-to presentation video for their two new releases, the Galaxy Note 3 and its companion device, Galaxy Gear. As I lay there in awe, I was already planning how to get my hands on [...]
The app store has thousands of apps, and many more are added each day. There are many different ways of promoting a new mobile app, so we’ve summed up eight effective ones, both free and paid. It’s important to state from the beginning that we assume you’ve got a great distinctive [...]
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Jobs Twitter, Get Glue, Facebook, Zeebox. What do all these have in common? They are all currently being touted as the greatest and most inclusive offerings in the second screen mobile environment. It seemed to us that companies have been taking the safe [...]
Why are your viewers watching TV? In order to really understand what will engage viewers on the second screen you have to understand why they are turning to the first on a regular basis. Odds are your viewers are turning on the TV because they have an emotional investment in [...]
Struggling to find the correct cross platform development tool? This Research2Guidance benchmarking report may be able to help you find the tool that satisfies all your needs. In this report Appscend is benchmarked against other cross platform integrated development environments for enterprises. Based on two research projects conducted in 2013. The [...]
Mobile app development is by itself a complicated process, as it requires multiple stages of planning and execution. It gets even more complicated when publishers are targeting the current generation of children – the digital natives, the kids of the tech revolution. And, guess what – twice as complicated considering [...]
Mobile app developers should constantly aim to understand digital user behavior – preferences and patterns – in order to act accordingly and pursue the success all their hard work deserves. Users uninstall mobile apps as regularly as they install them. Every app developer should wonder why as we’re talking about a [...]
I’m going to take a guess that you use Facebook. If you are, you are one of more than 1.1 billion active users. If you are a Twitter fan, you are one of 200 million who use the service every month. But you probably already know that there are a [...]