Appscend / Mobile, Media and Real-time Insights

The Marketing Tricks behind App Subscriber Retention


One of the key statistics that most app developers loudly promote is the number of times an app is downloaded. While this is an important statistic, and one that shows how well an app catches the public’s interest, it doesn’t tell the whole story. If metrics like downloads, registered users and mobile traffic are all a business focus on, they miss key measurements that really reflect how well they are meeting business objectives.

A much more important statistic is subscriber retention. This tells you how useful your app is. Do people keep coming back to use it, over and over, or is it used once and discarded? An app that gets regular use helps to keep your customers engaged. It helps to build brand awareness. It can also help to increase brand loyalty. So it is very important that you focus your efforts, not just on getting your app downloaded, but on retain your subscribers once you get them.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can market your app to build your retention rate.


Do Quality Work

First and foremost, you need to make sure that your app does the job that you intended it to. Developers spend a lot of money creating an app, but don’t stop there. If it needs improving, make sure to do the necessary updates and upgrades. Keeping your app in top working order and responding to complaints and requests for bug fixes will help you to keep customers coming back. Regular updates also keep you in the forefront of their consciousness. At the developing stage, you might want to use an app prototyping service.


Notify Users of Updates

Automatic upgrades are great for your users, but they may not be so good for you. You are doing all you can to ensure a good experience, and there is nothing wrong with tooting your own horn. Notify subscribers of new features and enhancements to the existing functionality. Let them know that you are dedicated to the best ongoing experience possible for them.


Use Push Notifications

In addition to updates or fixes to the app itself, there are any numbers of other reasons to stay in touch about other events going on at your business. Let them know about promotions, special events, news and alerts and anything else of interest to them. If possible, tie access to these events and promotions through the app, making it even more useful to them. Just be careful not to cross the line into spam and annoying them.


Get Feedback

Watch for comments and complaints about your app. Pay attention to how users rate it. Reach out to your subscribers to find out what their experience with your app is. Make sure that you are putting customer experience at the very top of your list of priorities. And when you hear a common or consistent complaint, let your subscriber base know you have heard and are taking action. There is nothing worse you can do than ask about problems that you never seem to address.


Go Social

Keep your subscribers engaged and communicating through social media. Not only can address complaints and issues, you can also use pages and other social interactions to educate and promote. Talk about new features. Show them how existing features can help to make their lives easier. By keeping the conversation going, you can keep interest and loyalty high.


Review Results – With Your Subscribers

If you can track and measure the results that your subscribers are achieving with your app, you can help them to see just how valuable it is to them. This will show that you are committed to making a good experience for them. But it also helps to educate them on just how much value your app delivers. It is very easy to take the simple and commonplace things in our lives for granted, so it never hurts to give gentle reminders from time to time.


Author Bio:

fatadude Asher Elran is a practical software engineer and a marketing specialist. CEO at Dynamic Search and founder of Web Ethics. Asher is enthusiastic about all things concern killer content, creative marketing, and CRO.