Although TV watchers will get a great kick out of all of the great things second screen apps can do and all of the great ways in which TV watching will be improved, it is the TV shows that will benefit the most from this fresh approach to entertainment. They [...]
People are becoming more and more passionate about the idea of controlling anything that moves on a screen. Every image, sound and video must be paused and moved around because this is what smartphones have taught us to do. The magic of the touch screen and the limitless options it [...]
Looking for Ways to Enhance Second Screen Marketing Although second screen marketing shows great potential in reviving both the TV and the online advertising sector, it’s still a widely untheorized, “under construction” domain. Developers and advertisers have been busy searching for efficient techniques of integrating content in the TV-viewing experience that [...]
The second screen platform introduces brands and consumers to endless communication and marketing possibilities. Social TV, the next step in the “social” craze in which we were launched with the take off of social networks, allows people to interact and become part of their favorite shows, play along [...]
Everybody has a favorite TV show. And even during that TV program we feel the need to sneak a peek at what others are saying and doing on Facebook. Or if anything we see on the show reminds us to look up a product or a service, [...]
Not long ago, roughly 5-6 years, many people used to claim that they had given up on the concept of owning a TV since the Internet was, and still is, more resourceful in matters of entertainment and information, and the quality of most of the shows and programs had decreased [...]
Popular Second Screen Apps Advertisers and app developers have been raving about the potential of second screen apps to improve both the marketing sector as well as the TV-viewing experience itself. In theory, a lot of good things can be said about the opportunities opened up by [...]
Multi-Tasking and the Second Screen Phenomenon Let’s talk about multi-tasking. People, especially younger individuals born in the digital era, have the tendency to reach out at least once for their tablets and smartphones while watching TV. Needless to say, we all know that “trivia urge” some shows trigger in our TV [...]
What Is Gamification? First of all, we need to understand what gamification stands for in the second screen marketing strategy. In a nutshell, to gamify TV-content means to apply gaming theory concepts into the way you guide your second screen user to interact with the content that’s being aired on TV. [...]
High Hopes for the New Second Screen App Development Strategy Since last year, marketers around the globe have been putting their hopes up high in the new second screen strategy, which seems to suggest that a rethinking of promoting content in both the online and TV environment [...]