Appscend / Mobile, Media and Real-time Insights

Why Social TV Matters More and More (II)

Appscend Team

In our previous post, we have started the discussion over the hot topic of the day in the digital environment. The Social TV revolution is taking place right in front of our eyes and there are many interesting results unveiling each day, as people start acknowledging and using it. Right now, Twitter and Facebook govern most of what’s going on in this new field. Second screen apps, such as zeebox, GetGlue or Buddy TV, come with a Twitter stream, and most popular shows that everyone is up to date with have a Twitter stream of their own.

As this goes on, soon enough you won’t have to go look for specific stuff related to Social TV, it will already be everywhere. And here are two more facts completing our initial post about the relevance of Social TV nowadays and why more and more people are digging it.

  1. Actually Reaching Out To People

Civolution brought to light new research results which confirm that second screen TV sync ads helped considerably with ad metrics like brand recall, message recall and purchase intent, with an 11%-50% increase reported in these key measures. For the social sync ads, the company saw a 27% increase in engagement over the call-to-action approach. So people actually respond to this new form of media-user interaction and, even more, enjoy the form in which the message is being delivered.

  1. Safeguarding Live TV

ScreenMedia has recently revealed a series of interesting facts about the millennial generation and how they actually respond to live television. As accessible as it is, cable TV is not exactly a priority for millennials. In fact, almost all of the 19% of millennials that do not pay for cable television have no interest in purchasing a plan. The passive TV experience is no fun to someone who was born and raised in the ever so dynamic age of the Internet.

So, let the digital dynamics come forward! With Social TV, Americans are starting to enjoy television shows more. This year, according to a Nielsen study, 25% users became more aware of TV shows and 15% stated they enjoyed more watching the old telly.

What Social TV specialists are trying to achieve is to create new liaisons between social media and live television, in order to obtain a more fruitful audience conversion. And you simply cannot convert today’s audience and redirect media attention toward the multiscreen consumption paradigm without interactivity and user engagement.

It’s all about giving people what they genuinely want, and they will be quick to respond.