If there has ever been such a thing as a perfect application, it’s because the design and the functionality of that particular application had a lot to do with actual statistics and data, most likely. That’s right. One of the secrets to creating a powerful app is implementing data-driven decisions. And considering the speed at which mobile consumption is increasing worldwide, the pressure is humongous not just for brands, which have to employ innovative tools to keep clients happy, but for marketers and mobile developers alike.
Things need to move fast in the lifecycle of mobile applications: as early as upon immediate release, it’s imperative that the focus be on improving whatever it is that needs to be improved, based on customer feedback and genuine statistics. The response pace has to be measured in correlation with people’s fast use of mobile technology and services provided by brands through apps.
Mobile application monitoring tools are highly efficient in determining user engagement, patterns of behavior, impressions and overall experience of people with particular apps. What’s more, they give developers relevant information on crashes, which we all know, do happen, sometimes unexpectedly and at the worst possible time. Monitoring tools provide a frame of work that help in understanding what produces the crashes and how to prevent them from happening again.
It’s common practice for brands to rely exclusively on consumer feedback in terms of analyzing the number of people using an app, which doesn’t always single out real data. Some users may simply choose not to provide feedback at all, whatever their experience, either good or bad. At other times, either it’s only really good experiences that make it through or really bad ones, and that’s not all the data there is. It’s important in the apps world that improvements and changes are made based on information that is gathered as quickly as possible, instantly even.
It is a competitive advantage to incorporate monitoring tools for mobile apps usage. Having immediate, 24/7 access to reports and real statistics means you are able to deliver new experiences to people in real time, before they decide to move on to something else.